Funny Whatsapp Jokes
Do try this – it’s pretty accurate I think…..??
In the middle of the table is a round food tray with 5 kinds of fruit in it.
There are:
a. Apple
b. Banana
c. Mango
d. Grapes
e. Orange
Which fruit will u choose?
Your choice reveals a lot about u!
Pls be very Honest to yourself…..
Now scroll down for results:
. .
Here are the results.
A. if you chosen Apple : that means you are a person who loves to eat Apple
B. if you chosen banana : that means you are a person who loves to eat Banana
C. if you chosen mango : that means you are a person who loves to eat mango
D. if you chosen grapes : that means you are a person who loves to eat grapes
E. if you chosen orange : that means you are person who loves to eat Orange
Note: If you are hunting for me to punch …..Well…I am busy hunting for the person who sent me this!!!!! ???
? Release your frustration by forwarding…
Funny Whatsapp Jokes
आज सकाळीच तिचा फोन आला.
रडत होती….
मला साॅरी म्हणाली…
त्याच रडवेल्या स्वरात ती हे पण म्हणाली…
तू जसं म्हणशील तसं वागेन…
तुझ्याशी कधी भांडणार नाही…
तुझं सगळं काही ऐकेन…
तिच सगळं ऐकून मी गहिवरलोच…
कुणाची बायको होती कुणास ठाऊक
राँग नबंर होता, पण बर वाटलं …???
Funny Whatsapp Jokes
A drunk Marathi bhau enters a bar orders a drink and yells:
“Hey, you wanna hear a Sardar joke?”
In deep husky voice a man next to him says:
“Before you tell that joke Sir, I think it is fair to inform you that you are drunk for sure, you should know 5 things about this place…
1. Bartender is Sardar,
2. Bouncer is Sardar,
3. I’m a 6 feet tall, 260 LB Sardar with a black belt,
4. Man sitting next to me is Sardar and is a professional weightlifter.
5. Man to your right is a Sardar and a professional wrestler.
Now think about it.
Do you still wanna tell that joke?”
The drunk Marathi bhau thinks for a second, shakes his head and declares:
“Nako re Baba. Who’s gonna explain the joke 5 times !!!
Funny Whatsapp Jokes
बायकोच्या मोबाईल मधील काॅन्टॅक्ट लिस्ट मध्ये ‘Iron Man’ असा नंबर सेव्ह केलेला दिसला.
नवर्याने काहीसं घाबरूनच विचारले…
हा कोण आहे..?
बायकोने रागाने बघितलं आणि म्हणाली…
इस्त्रीवाल्याचा नंबर आहे तो…!
Funny Whatsapp Jokes
Interesting meaning of ‘good morning’ ……..We all say Good Morning to others. Do you know the meaning of “GOOD MORNING”??? G Get up. O Open your heart. O Open your mind. D Dedicate your day to God. M Meditate. O Optimise your resources. R Rebuke all negative thoughts. N Never underestimate your potential. I Inspire someone. N Never loose faith. G Go out with joy & confidence. So, nice to wish ? Good Morning ?
Funny Whatsapp Jokes
Group admin: Hi guys, adding Radha to the group. Radha is new to town as well. So…
Radha: Hi all….
Member # 1: Hiiiii….
Member # 2: Hi Radha… How are you?
Member # 3: Hey Radha… Let me know if you need any help, OK.
Member # 4: Hi..
Member # 5: Hey hi Radha…. where are you these days?
Radha: I am good… In Kothrud, Pune nowadays….
Member # 5: Great I did my Graduation from Pune.
Member # 3: Hey Radha… My cousin is in Pune, Let me know if you need any help, OK.
Radha: Thks…:)
Member # 4: Hi..
Member # 6: Hey hi Radha…. what are you doing?
Radha: MBA Symboisis….
Member # 5: Symbi is best of the colleges.
Member # 3: Cool, my cousin is in Pune, is also a MBA graduate from SYmbi.
Member # 4: Hi..
Member # 5: what’s your full name Radha?
Radha: Radhakrishnan.
(Dead silence in the group)???
Funny Whatsapp Jokes
Market may bilkul new hai
चुनाव का समय आ गया है ।
नेता जी
प्रचार करने निकल पडे
नेता – हाँ । अब सही समय आ गया है ।
जनता – क्या आप देश को लूट खाओगे ?
नेता – बिल्कुल नही ।
जनता – हमारे लिए काम करोगे ?
नेता – हाँ । बहुत ।
जनता – महगांई बढ़ाओगे ?
नेता – इसके बारे में तो सोचो भी मत ।
जनता – आप हमे जॉब दिलाने में मदद करोगे ?
नेता – हाँ । बिल्कुल करेँगे ।
जनता – क्या आप देश मे घोटाला करोगे ?
नेता – पागल हो गए हो क्या बिलकुल नहीं ।
जनता – क्या हम आप पर भरोसा कर सकते हैं ?
नेता – हाँ
जनता – नेता जी …
चुनाव जीतकर नेताजी वापस आये ।
अब आप ,
नीचे से ऊपर पढ़ो ।
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