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WhatsApp Puzzles With Answers
Guess What I am?
Whatsapp dare quiz
I am 5 letter word.
Everybody wants to eat me.
If you remove my first alphabet, then I become one kind of energy.
If you remove my first 2 alphabets then you need me for surviving.
If you remove my first 3 letters, I will be a proposition and near you!
If you remove my first 4 alphabets, I will a drink.
What I am?
Whatsapp funny riddles with answers
Sometimes We fake it,
No one knows why we make it,
If the first latter removed then its a unit,
sometimes we show it off,
Sometimes we mean it.
What is this?
Ans: Smile
Whatsapp funny questions and answers
X is the father of Y. But Y is not the son of X. How’s that possible?
Ans:Y is the daughter of X.
whatsapp maths puzzles with answers
Some months have 31 days, others have 30 days. How many have 28 days?
Ans: All months have 28 Days.
whatsapp logical questions with answers
Which is the odd picture?


whatsapp riddle with answer
Place 3 balls from the selection in the blank spots. You cannot use the same ball twice.


riddles with answers
Paul was standing on a 25m ladder. He slipped from the ladder and fell on the ground. But he didn’t die or get badly injured.How is it possible?

Ans: Paul was standing on the bottom rung of the ladder.

1 Comment
Tq for this beautiful article… Much useful in this quarantine.. I was searching for such game to make my wtsapp grp always active… Tq for making this possible