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WhatsApp Dare status

WhatsApp dare Question 1

Life would be very boring without a little humour. You must choose one of the following phrases and post it on their own WhatsApp status for at least 24 hours else I’ll consider you a party- pooper and I know you’re not.:

1) 5 days without going to the bathroom; don’t know what to do!

2) I’m pregnant!

3) I think I’m in love with someone; what should I do?

4) New record! 6 days without taking a shower.

5) I still love my ex.

6) I burned the rice

7) It’s decided! Tomorrow I’m dyeing my hair purple. I’ve been thinking that I’d like to devote myself to hairstyling…

8) I found the love of my life

9) My friend ‘s boyfriend is gay. What do I do? Should I tell her?

10) This year I’m getting married.

11) I can’t take it anymore, I’m switching religion.

12) I feel like I must tell the truth to everyone, but not yet.

13) I swallowed a fly! I cannnot believe it!

14) My central heating goes off.


WhatsApp dare Question 2

Select Number from 1 to 11 and I will ask you Truth and Dare questions, If you have Guts to play then reply.

1. The first thing you notice in a person when you meet them for the first time.

2. Will you kill anyone if you get permission? If yes, Who is that person?

3. What is your crazy dream?

4. The quality you like the most in yourself?

5. The quality you’d like to change in yourself?

6. What do you like in me?

7. The thing you don’t like in me

8. On your interest, the person you like to marry.

9. Your Best Friend.

10. What is your opinion on me?

WhatsApp dare Question 3

Select Alphabet from A to Z and I will ask you Truth and Dare questions, If you have Guts to play then reply.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Answers :

A: Update your WhatsApp status as “I’m Mad”.

B: Send me a picture of your hands.

C: Flirt with me for next 15 minutes.

D: Recharge me for 100 Rs

E: Tell me the name of your crush.

F: Change your WhatsApp DP to my picture.

G: Say I Love You in a voice note.

H: Gift me a pair of shoes.

I: Propose me in your style.

J: Tell me a joke.

K: Send last 5 pictures from your camera roll.

M: Name of your Ex?

N: What is your relationship status.

O: Act as my Slave for next 10 days.

P: Don’t message me until you take a bath next time.

Q: Tell me one secret.

R: Describe our relationship with a movie name.

S: Sing a song and send it as a voice note.

T: What do you eat today?

U: What do you think about me when you met me for the very first time.

V: How much money do you have in your wallet now?

W: Say the Remaining balance in your mobile phone right now.

X: Send the screenshot of you phones home screen.

Y: Dance for 10 seconds and send me that video.

Z: Write “Geek Dashboard” on your left hand and show me when we meet next time.

WhatsApp dare Question 4

Choose any number From 1 to 50 And have a dare All new so be careful 😛
Reply Fast 😀

Answer :

1. Ask me out

2. Send me your cutest pic

3. Ice cream treat

4. What’s your deepest secret?

5. Make my picture your dp(profile pic) for 1 day

6. Delete my number

7. Write my name

8. Give me a treat

9. Put your status for a day saying “I am mad”

10.Take a picture of yourself & send it to me

11.Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t…

12. Call me and tell I LOVE YOU

13. Do a favor on me

14. What would u want our relation to be?

15. Be my slave for 2 days.

16. Call me and say my name in a loud voice!

17. write my name on your status saying You love me..!!

18. Send me your crush photo .

19. What change would you want in me?

20. Write your and my name in your status for 1 day!

21. Send me a picture of what your doing now.

22. Voice clip me saying I wanna love you !

23. tell me one thing you have never told anyone

24. what are your feelings about me?

25. Tell me a secret about you 😀

26. Tell me a secret about your relationship?

27. Make our combined picture as your dp for 1 day

28. Send a voice note saying that you love me.

29. .seduce me to do something 😉

30. Write my name in Your status

31. make a dp of u and a guy with you.. But he should not be your bf.

32. give me a treat

33.send me your best friends number :p

34. Voice clip send me your gonna crazy

35. send a pic of your crush

36.Put your status for a day saying “I Miss You (My Name)”

37.Take a picture of yourself & send it to me now

38. Don’t talk to me for 1 day :O

39. Ask me out

40. Send me a pic of you wearing the least clothes on you

41. What am I to you??

42. What’s your deepest secret? <3

43. Send me a voice note saying my name in a loud voice! (y)

44. Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t

45. How would you describe me?

46. be my slave for 2 days

47. Send me a picture of what your doing now.

48. Write your phone number in your status

49. Send me your favorite chaddi (shorts) pic

50. tell me one thing you have never told anyone B)

WhatsApp dare Question 5

Choose any number From 1 to 20 And have a dare to play  with me
Reply Fast 😀  (Specially for Girlfriend)

Answer :

1❤-Send a selfie of urs in d toilet.

2❤-Make my name as ur status saying dat u want to marry me.

3❤-send me I love u

4❤-Sing ur fav song or dedicate a song to me as a voice clip.

5❤-Send me a voice clip spkng about me atlst for 3mins

6❤-tell me which brand under garments you wear

7❤- do (20) pe h jo

8❤-Be my gf/bf fo 2 days!!  \

9❤-Make a collage of our photos and make it as ur dp!

10❤-Perform 1,20 and 8.

11❤-Write i love u 958 tyms and send it to me!

12❤-Pout and click a selfie of urs and make it ur dp!!

13❤send me kisses in voice clip

14❤-Send me a voice clip saying dat u r suffering from loose motion and in d end make sound as if ur r farting!

15❤-Flirt me!!

16❤-click a shirtles pic and send it to me(fo boys) and fo grls make a funny hair stlye,click a pic and snd it to me

17❤-do every thing

18❤-Tell me whoz ur latest crush nd reason behind it

19❤-click ur pic showing ur tongue lyk goddes kali and make it ur dp for 3 days.

20❤-Keep my pic  as ur dp wid a status saying-“baby i love u more n more”..Oh yes i love u!!!

WhatsApp dare Question 6

Choose any number From 1 to 50 And have a dare so be careful 😛

Reply Fast 

Answers :

1. Ask me out

2. Send me your cutest pic

3. Ice cream treat

4. What’s your deepest secret?

5. Make my picture your dp for 1 day

6. Delete my number

7. Write my name 

8. Give me a treat

9. Put your status for a day saying “I am mad”

10.Take a picture of yourself & send it to me

11.Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t…

12. Call me and tell I LOVE YOU

13. Do a favor on me

14. What would u want our relation to be?

15. Be my slave for 2 days.

16. Call me and say my name in a loud voice!

17. write my name on your status saying You love me..!!

18. Send me your crush photo .

19. What change would you want in me?

20. Write your and my name in your status for 1 day!

21. Send me a picture of what your doing now.

22. Voice clip me saying I wanna love you !

23. tell me one thing you have never told anyone

24. what are your feelings about me?

25. Tell me a secret about you 😀

26. Tell me a secret about your relationship?

27. Make our combined picture as your dp for 1 day

28. Send a voice note saying that you love me.

29. .seduce me to do something 😉

30. Write my name in Your status

31. make a dp of u and a guy with you.. But he should not be your bf.

32. give me a treat

33.send me your best friends number :p

34. Voice clip send me your gonna crazy

35. send a pic of your crush

36.Put your status for a day saying “I Miss You (My Name)”

37.Take a picture of yourself & send it to me now

38. Don’t talk to me for 1 day :O

39. Ask me out

40. Send me a pic of you wearing the least clothes on you

41. What am I to you??

42. What’s your deepest secret? <3

43. Send me a voice note saying my name in a loud voice! (y)

44. Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t

45. How would you describe me?

46. be my slave for 2 days

47. Send me a picture of what your doing now.

48. Write your phone number in your status

49. Send me your favorite chaddi (shorts) pic 😛

50. tell me one thing you have never told anyone 

WhatsApp dare Question 7

Select any number from 1 to 25 and I’ll tell your dare 😀 

Answer :

1.Send a voice note saying that You love me. 

2. Give me a treat 

3. write my name <3 in your status O:) 

4. Ignore me 😀 

5. Tell me a secret about you 😀 

6. delete my number :/ 

7. Make my picture your dp for 1 day 

8. send a pic of your legs 

9. who am I for You. 

10.Take a picture of yourself & send it to me now 

11. Don’t talk to me for 1 day :O 

12. Ask me out 

13. Send me your latest picture 

14. What was your secret ?

15. What’s your deepest secret?<3 

16. Send me a voice note saying my name in a loud voice!(y) 

17. Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t 

18.write ma name on your status saying you love me..!! 

19. be my slave for 2 days 

20. Write your phone number in your status for 1 day!! B) 

21. Send me a picture of what your doing now. 

22. Voice clip me saying I wanna go crazy 

23. tell me one thing you have never told anyone B) 

24. what’s on your mind 

25. describe me with a single Movie name ? 

WhatsApp dare Question 8

Select any number from 1 to 30 and I’ll tell your dare 

Answer :

1. date me

2. Ice cream treat

3. Send me your cutest pic

4. Give me treat next time

5.hug me when you meet me next

6.make my pic as your dp for whole day

7. Send a voice note saying you love me in 3 romantic way.

8. What would you want our relation to be?

9. Put your status for a day saying “I am mad”

10.Call me and say my name in a loud voice

11.delete my number

12. Write your and my name in your status for 1 day!

13. what are your feelings about me?

14. Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t…

15. How do you want me to be?

16. How do you describe me at least six line

17.  Rs 222 recharge to my mob

18.treat me with a movie

19. Take me 4 a long drive

20.dance on any song and send me the video

21.send me a voice note saying you love me in 3 romantic ways and keep our

name in your status

22. send a pic of your 1st  crush

23.Take a picture of yourself & send it to me now

24. Send me a pic of you wearing the least clothes on you

25. What am I to you ?

26. What’s your deepest secret? <3

27. be my 1 day bf or gf 😛

28. Tell me something you always.  to say but you couldn’t

29.tell me 2 negative points about me that you hate the most

30 Send me a picture of what your doing now

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