Every website comes with Header, Footer, sidebar and body, So there are some standard for website and some pages which are very essential for your website which will Introduce your website to readers and also for search engine. Your Domain is the main URL of your Website and others are sub domain of your website, Such as www.Redicals.com is the root domain and www.web.redicals.com is the sub domain of my website. It depends on the Web server and Web application layers such as static server like Apache etc.
Web development Tips for every Website
Home Page (index.html)
index.html is the Home Page of your Website, Any web server automatically detects index Page and display it as an Home page of your web site. Web server Uses Index page to describe its home page.
About Us (about.html)
This will tell you about the website, what is the main purpose behind creating the website. Also this will tell you about the founder of the website and also Co-founder if any. Hence about.html page will provides a quick overview of what your site does and why you have created it. You can also add story behind your Website if you have any, This will may your Page more interesting .
Contact Us (contact.html)
You must be giving lots of stuff to your readers, but everybody can’t understand. So contact Us is the page where readers can send you difficulty if they have any also they can ask for Help related to your website such as Installation problem etc.
RSS Feeds (feeds.feedburner.com)
FeedBurner makes it easy to update your website content and send the content update to all news Readers Such as Yahoo News, Newsgator etc.
RSS Stands for Rich Site Summary, Uses Standard Web feed Formats. RSS feeds enable publishers to syndicate content automatically.
Robots (robots.txt)
Robots.txt is a text file, which tells search robots which pages to be searched and which are not supposed to search in search engine. Some files and folders are very Important hence by using robots.txt we can avoid that folder from indexing in search result, hence it will be not displayed on search results.
User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/ Disallow: /wp-includes/
If you want to seen robots file Visit :- www.yourdomain.com/robots.txt
SiteMap (sitemap.xml)
A sitemap is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers for Indexing and users for reading. XML Sitemap is very Important for Search Engine for Indexing, Google introduced Google Sitemaps for web developers so that their website can be easily indexed by crawlers.
You can easily create Sitemap for your website Using: www.xml-sitemaps.com
Email ID with your Domain Name
You can easily create your email ID using your domain name such as admin@yourdomain.com and also yourname@yourdomain.com and forward this emails to your primary email account where you can easily read your mail send to your domain address. It’s very easy but you need to learn all concept for developing website and you will start learning new new concept daily.
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