Web development courses(HTML and CSS and Bootstrap),

Python development courses,

Angular App development courses,

Node.JS course,

Java Course,

C and C++ Course

C programming language

The course fully covers the basics of programming in the “C” programming language and demonstrates fundamental programming techniques, customs and vocabulary including the most common library functions and the usage of the preprocessor. Learning objectives To familiarize the trainee with basic concepts of computer programming and developer tools. To present the syntax and semantics of the “C” language as well as data types offered by the language To allow the trainee to write their own programs using standard language infrastructure regardless of the hardware or software platform Course syllabus  Introduction to compiling and software development  Basic scalar data types and their operators  Flow control  Complex data types: arrays, structures and pointers  Structuring the code: functions and modules  Preprocessing source code Chapters:  Absolute basics  Languages: natural and artificial  Machine languages  High-level programming languages  Obtaining the machine code: compilation process  Recommended readings  Your first program  Variable – why?  Integer values in real life and in “C”, integer literals Data types  Floating point values in real life and in “C”, float literals  Arithmetic operators  Priority and binding  Post- and pre -incrementation and -decrementation Char type and ASCII code, char literals  Equivalence of int and char data  Comparison operators  Conditional execution and if keyword  printf() and scanf() functions: absolute basics  Flow control  Conditional execution continued: the “else” branch  More integer and float types  Conversions – why?  Typecast and its operators  Loops – while, do and for  Controlling the loop execution – break and continue  Logical and bitwise operators Arrays  Switch: different faces of ‘if’  Arrays (vectors) – why do you need them?  Sorting in real life and in a computer memory  Initiators: a simple way to set an array  Pointers: another kind of data in “C”  An address, a reference, a dereference and the sizeof operator  Simple pointer and pointer to nothing (NULL) & operator  Pointers arithmetic  Pointers vs. arrays: different forms of the same phenomenon  Using strings: basics  Basic functions dedicated to string manipulation  Memory management and structures  The meaning of array indexing  The usage of pointers: perils and disadvantages  Void type  Arrays of arrays and multidimensional arrays  Memory allocation and deallocation: malloc() and free() functions  Arrays of pointers vs. multidimensional arrays  Structures – why?  Declaring, using and initializing structures  Pointers to structures and arrays of structures  Basics of recursive data collections

C++ programming language

In this program, we will learn the basics about C++ programming language such as variables, data types, arrays, pointers, functions and classes etc. Course syllabus: Introduction What is C++? Why C++? C and C++ Exception Handling Object Oriented Programming Standard Template Library Types and declarations Types BooleanType Integer Types Floating-Point Types Sizes Void Enumerations Declarations Pointers, Arrays and Structures Pointers Arrays Pointers into Arrays Constants References Pointers to void Structures Expressions and Statements A Deck Calculator Operator Summary Statement Summary Comments and Indentation Functions Function Declarations Argument Passing Value Return Overloaded Function Names Default Arguments Pointer to Function Macros Namespaces and Exceptions Namespaces Exceptions Source Files and Programs Separate Compilation Linkage Using Header Files Programs Classes Classes Access Control Constructors Member functions Static members Destructors Memory allocation Member initialization Operator overloading Introduction Operator Functions A Complete Number Type Conversion Operators Friends Large Objects Essential Operators Subscripting Functions Calls Dereferencing Increment and Decrement A String Class Derived class Introduction Derived Classes abstract Classes Design of Class Hierarch Type Class Hierarchies and Abstract C *******************

Angular course

This course covers all the practical aspects of developing applications with Angular. By the end of the course, students will be able to join existing Angular projects and start developing features. Syllabus: This hands-on training consists of eight modules that cover both basic concepts as well as most of the common pain points engineers face daily when developing single-page applications with Angular. I. The Development Environment Introduction to the modern development environment and technologies for front¬end development • Overview of the stack – NPM / Webpack • Working with the Angular CLI • Understanding the project structure conventions and • Setting the IDE for Angular development • Best practices II. Angular architecture and concepts Understanding the core concepts and design behind Angular. • The Renderer • Change detection system • Patterns in use • The core entities of Angular • The use of javascript decorators • Best practices and relevant references. III. TypeScript Primer Getting familiar with TypeScript, the default language for Angular application development • Module system • Classes and Interfaces • Arrow functions and Template strings • Working with types IV. Angular Module System • The need for modules • The bootstrapping process • Modules API and usage • Best practices V. Components Deep Dive The component is a core building block of an Angular application. In this module, we will deep dive into the component metadata API. • Building a basic component • Shadow DOM • Templates and Styles • The Component class • Data bindings and Template syntax • Angular core directives • Components types review • Data projection, building a Wrapper component • Component inputs – Working with properties • Component outputs – Creating custom events • Components communication using local variables • Best practices VI. Dependency injection Angular uses dependency injection for instantiating and wiring object together. • Understanding the role of the Provider • Creating and using a class provider • Other types of providers • Understanding the dependencies injectors hierarchy ¬ • Common patterns and best practices • Angular built-in providers

Java Course

This course of study builds on the skills gained by students in Java Fundamentals or Java Foundations to help advance Java programming skills. Students will design object-oriented applications with Java and will create Java programs using hands-on, engaging activities. Syllabus: Java Memory and the JVM • Introduction to JVM Architecture • Java Memory Structure Class File and the JDK • JDK Tools • Class File Bytecode and ClassLoader • Java Bytecode • ClassLoader Java Language – What I Should Know • Fundamentals of Java – What I Should Know Class Design and Exceptions • Java Class Design – Abstract Classes • Java Class Design – Interfaces • Exceptions and Assertions • Working with Pre-Written Code Data Structures: Generics and Collections • Generics • Collections – Part 1 • Collections – Part 2 • Sorting and Searching Strings, Regular Expressions, and Recursion • String Processing • Use Regular Expressions • Recursion Input and Output • Basics of Input and Output • Input and Output Fundamentals • Deploying an Application JDBC • JDBC Introduction • JDBC Basics

Web design

In this Web Design course, students will use a variety of design software to organize, create, publish, and manage a web site. Course content includes creating a variety of graphic elements including video, animations, rollover effects, backgrounds, and page images. Syllabus: Web Design Unit # 1 Designing and Planning Web Pages Time: approximately 7-10 hoursUnit Essential Questions ● What are the design principles used when creating web pages? ● What is HTML and CSS and how are they different from each other? ● What are the criteria for evaluating the quality of websites? Sequence of focus lessons ● Basic Site Evaluation ● Color Theory ● Web Standards ● Planning a Website Unit # 2 Creating Pages with HTML Time: approximately 5-8 hours Unit Essential Questions ● What are the basics of HTML coding? Sequence of focus lessons ● Pre-Coding ● Basic HTML Markup ● HTML Lists ● Creating Links ● Creating a Data Table ● HTML Video Unit # 3 Formatting Web Pages with Style Sheets Time: Approximately 16-20 hours Unit Essential Questions ● How is the visual look of web pages controlled by using Cascading Style Sheets? Sequence of focus lessons ● Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets ● Color in CSS ● Typography in CSS ● The Box Model in CSS ● The Role of ID and CLass in CSS ● Page Layout Techniques Unit # 4 Graphics Time: Approximately 11-17 hours Unit Essential Questions ● What are effective uses of graphics on web pages? ● How can you get digital images and reformat them? ● How can you create basic graphics for use on a web page? Sequence of focus lessons ● Introduction to Web Graphics ● Creating a Web Photo Album ● Creating a Button ● Creating a Web Page Banner Unit #5 Scripting Time: Approximately 8-10 hours Unit Essential Questions ● How is website content organized? ● How is the navigation structure designed to be consistent across all of the pages in the website? Sequence of focus lessons ● Overview of Scripting on the Web ● JavaScript Unit #6 Quality Control Time: Approximately 3-6 hours Unit Essential Questions ● How can websites be tested for quality? Sequence of focus lessons ● Validating Websites ● Testing Usability Unit #7 Website Management and Authoring Tools Time: Approximately 3-6 hours Unit Essential Questions ● What are some website management and authoring tools? Sequence of focus lessons ● Basic Features of Web Authoring Software ● Publishing on the Web Unit #8 Client Website Time: Approximately 6-20+ hours. Varies depending on complexity and student Unit Essential Questions ● How do you plan, design, develop and test a website using the skills learned in the course? Sequence of focus lessons ● Client Website-Planning, Constructing, and Quality Control Unit #9 Career Development/21st Century Skills (Ongoing) ● How do the skills and knowledge I am learning in this class get applied within a job setting? ● How can I work with a team to develop an answer to a question or solution to problem? ● How I apply the skills that my future employers will value?

Web Development Course

Here we bring about different courses you should learn to develop web. Syllabus a) HTML code course Basic code for developing any kind of website. Its latest version HTML 5 is with all new tags and attributes and much advance. Works on Audio, Video, Geo-locations, SVG’s, Canvas, Animations, creates everything with codes. It is fast and easy to learn if learned in any professional Institute. b) CSS code course Cascading style sheet advance course with its all tips and tricks make it more advance. Learning its latest version CSS3 is fun. Creates styles for every tag and elements to make it look differently. Best codes to make look and working of your website different. c) Java script with J-query course Giving interactive effects, Mouse effects, creating spry, menus, Tabs structure, Sliders, photo gallery or can say all types of effects and animation you see in website are creating with these advance codes of Java script and J-query.

Web development with Python

 Develop applications using Python  Build secure server side APIs according to modern design patterns and architectures  Safely model and store data in SQL databases  Consume and integrate third-party APIs in an application  Use popular as well as up and coming Python server-side application frameworks  Deploy applications to the cloud based platform for end users  Clearly document and present the projects they’ve built Syllabus UNIT 1: Advanced Software Development Life Cycle ————–  More in depth discussions of the software development lifecycle.  Discussions on deployments and we begin to form this idea that our code lives in an infrastructure.  Best practices to look out for UNIT 2: Python: Classes & Objects ————–  Concept of Object Oriented Programming  Defining classes, their functions and properties  Inheriting from other classes  Importing python modules and libraries  Creating objects  Manipulating and working with objects UNIT 3: Working with Databases ————–  Introducing databases and long term storage  Introduction to SQL syntax  Creating tables and adding columns  Inserting data to your database  Deleting data and tables  Creating relationships between tables and other databases  Querying the database UNIT 4: Restful APIs ————–  Definition of Restful API  Understanding JSON and XML  GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE  Query, path, body, and header parameters  Working with package managers and virtual environments  Available frameworks, Setting up the Django framework  Creating your first API (Models/Routes/Services/Middleware)  Adding endpoints, Writing to the database  Creating logic for your endpoints  Development and documentation tools UNIT 5: Authentication ————–  What is authentication?  Differences between OAuth, JWT and Third Party Authentication  Working with OAuth  What are authentication tokens and why do we use them?  Making authenticated request, Handling errors UNIT 6: Deploying to Infrastructure ————–  Where does our work live, Introduction to Heroku & AWS  Difference between dev, stage and prod  Configuring keys and settings for each environment  Deploying our code, Completing the software development lifecycle UNIT 7: Unit Testing ————–  Introducing unit testing, Test Driven Development  Making sure we modularize our code so that it’s testable and reusable  Creating test suites and running them

Node JS Course

The rising popularity has brought with it a lot of changes, and the face of web development today is dramatically different. The things that we can do on the web nowadays with JavaScript running on the server, as well as in the browser, were hard to imagine just several years ago, or were encapsulated within sandboxed environments like Flash or Java Applets. Node.js is a packaged compilation of Google’s V8 JavaScript engine, the libuv platform abstraction layer, and a core library, which is itself primarily written in JavaScript.” Beyond that, it’s worth noting that Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node.js.js, was aiming to create real-time websites with push capability, “inspired by applications like Gmail”. In Node.js, he gave developers a tool for working in the non-blocking, event-driven I/O paradigm. After over 20 years of stateless-web based on the stateless request-response paradigm, we finally have web applications with real-time, two-way connections. Syllabus: Module 1:- Introduction to Node JS In this module, you learn What is Node JS and advantages of Node JS and How Node JS Works and the difference between the traditional web server and what are the limitations of the traditional web server modal.  Introduction  What is Node JS?  Advantages of Node JS  Traditional Web Server Model  Node.js Process Model Module 2:- Setup Dev Environment In this chapter, you will learn about the tools required and steps to setup development environment to develop a Node.js application and to work with the REPL to work with the Console.  Install Node.js on Windows  Installing in mac os  Working in REPL  Node JS Console Module 3:- Node JS Modules In this chapter, you will know what is a module, functions and examples. And achieving modularity and separation of concern with the NodeJS Modules.  Functions  Buffer  Module  Module Types  Core Modules  Local Modules  Module.Exports Module 4:- Node Package Mananger This deals with working with npm to install and update packages and Updating your package to the NPM and managing and updating your current Packages.  What is NPM  Installing Packages Locally  Adding dependency in package.json  Installing packages globally  Updating packages Module 5:- Creating Web server In this chapter we will learn creating web server, hadling GET, POST,PUT and Delete requests and listening to certain port numbers and handling routing with basic web server.  Creating web server  Handling http requests  Sending requests Module 6:- File System In this module, we will work with files, reading, writing, updating files, and the concept of chunks, buffers, and uploading files synchronously and asynchronously.  Fs.readFile  Writing a File  Writing a file asynchronously  Opening a file  Deleting a file  Other IO Operations Module 7:- Debugging Node JS Application In this chapter you will learn how to debug node js application. Debugging is a process of tracing the bugs and performance issues to optimize your code.  Core Node JS debugger  Debugging with Visual Studio Module 8:- Events In this chapter you work with the events in Node JS, and the significance of the events, writing your own events because Node is event driven framework.  EventEmitter class  Returning event emitter  Inhering events Module 9:- Express.JS In this chapter you will learn how to use express framework to create web applications. Express is the most popular framework to build efficient web applications with minimum coding.  Configuring routes  Working with express Module 10:- Serving Static Resources In this chapter you will learn how to serve static html pages to the browser, and serving other file formats and restricting certain files. In this you will to serve static resources with built in middle ware.  Serving static files  Working with middle ware Module 11:- Database connectivity In this chapter you will learn how to connect to SQL Server and perform CRUD operations. It is like ADO.net for MS.NET applications and JDBC for java. We will use different Node JS modules to connect with database.  Connection string  Configuring  Working with select command  Updating records  Deleting records Module 12:- Template Engines In this chapter you learn how use template engines to perform 2 way databinding and appending dynamic data to the webpage and different view engines and their sytax.  Why Template Engine  What is Jade  What is vash

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