Twitter is one of the most popular social networking site wherein we can tweet and can follow your friend. Twitter had changed the way of communication and interacting with other people.Most of the celebrity use Twitter to connect with their fans and followers.Some Users finds twitter difficult to use hence they don’t use twitter much. So here are some tools which will make twitter more interesting and more interactive for users.
1. TweetDeck
TweetDeck is an app that brings more flexibility and insight to power users. It helps users in connecting with your contacts across Social Networking sites like Twitter, Facebook etc.
2. Tweetstats
Tweetstats gives all the graphical representation of all your tweets per hour, tweets per month and tweet timeline. It will also keep watch on your tweets.
3. Tweepi
Tweepi will manage your twitter account such as flush the unfollowers, cleanup the inactives, force to unfollow you, follow new tweeps and much more features.
4. Twit Cleaner
Twit Cleaner analyses the people you follow, Creates a detailed report about your twitter account,It also helps you to improve your Twitter presence.
5. KeepStream
KeepStream Organize your tweets,Whether it’s conference chatter, launch buzz, or a fun conversation.Save those tweets. Organize them. Embed on your website.
6. Twitter Feed
Twitter Feed takes your RSS feeds and send that feed to all social Networking site which are being connected to twitter feed. Feed your Blog to twitter, Facebook, linkedIn etc.
7. Tweet Archivist
Tweet Archivist Monitor your brand on Twitter, Monitor tweets based on a word, phrase or query. Track a hashtag campaign,Capture every tweet with a certain hashtag and then do analysis. Capture tweets during a conference, concert or sports event, Capture tweets during an event and then generate reports.
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