There are many qualities which men should possess to Impress Girl, It’s very easy to Impress Girls but do you remember the quote by Bob Marley
“If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you’re not worthy. Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for”.
Remember every girl is different from another girl so you need to analyse the which you are looking for such as her mood, temperament and what makes her fancies. But at the end of the day, all Girls Like the same qualities of Men which makes them happy. So here’s guide for all men to impress girls
Hard Work and Intelligence
God has given Brain for Male and beauty for female (Not always True) Totology. So every Men should work hard with Intelligence. Mostly Girls Likes Men who is very fond of Technolgy and is very smart in answering. Intelligence is the only tool which men has to turn on all the girls. So your brain is very powerful use it and amaze them.
Be Honest with your Girlfriend
Don’t ever try to lie her, if you have lied and if got caught then you are finished. This will increase the insecurity for her and you will have to pay the price for your mistake with interest, Interest depends on you girlfriend how hot she is. Always remember Honesty is the best policy, use this policy with you girlfriend and you will be in profit.
Ability to protect Her
Every human Like to get protected, hence you need to protect your girlfriend, No doubt. Ever Girl wants only two sentences from men “I Love You” which is very common and other “You are safe with me, Don’t Worry” this makes them the most satisfied and increase the trust in you. Sometimes they will say “I will go alone” don’t let her go offer a walk with her at least half a distance especially till bus stand etc. Always give some confidence to her and make her safer with you.
Have good Sense of humor
A good sense of humor is one of the core top quality which every man should have to win her heart. Always put a smile on her face, whenever your girlfriend looks at you, she should smile on her face and should feel happy from inside. If she is very sad and intense with workload your sense of humor should make her forget all her worries and should make her laugh.
Have Focused on career irrespective of all parties
A man Should always focus on his career with his future plans. Girls always think of future, what will be her state after marriage. Girls always like a man who has high aim and work hard towards it. Everything else is an illusion such as good muscular body and all in starting we require it but if you are thinking of long term relationship then focus on priority.
Remove Ego and Value Relationship
Never ever Underestimate the relationship, Ego is the root cause of destroying the relationship so always try to remove ego with your girlfriend and always appreciate her for being with me.
Manners and hygiene
Men should always be well-cleaned and well-groomed, put clean clothes and good sandal because they always look at your sandal first. Dress neatly and always smell good which will make you impressive. Never be rude with anyone be polite with all, always use words like Sorry, Please etc. Be Clean and Sweet which all Girls prefer.
And lastly, be romantic person
Not all guys are romantic, try to be romantic. Express you feeling to her, give her some surprises every month or every week if you have time. Take her for a Long Drive, Dance with her and make her feel special with you.
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