Avoid Pimples for oily skin : Each one of us wants a fresh and clear skin with no sign of wrinkles or blemishes over it. But getting rid of pimples isn’t that an easy task as we may think or maybe it is! Here are simplest tips which you can follow and these will definitely help in keeping your skin pimple free.
Gram Flour, Turmeric and Milk Mask
Mix 2 tsp gram flour, a pinch of turmeric and 1 tsp of lemon together. If the consistency remains thick, you can add a little rose water to make it thin. Apply it on your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it with normal water to get clean, fresh and brighter skin.
Gram flour makes the healing of acne and pimples faster while removing the excess oil from the skin. Turmeric acts as an antiseptic and milk speeds up the process with its healing properties.
Honey and Curd Mask
Curd and honey both the ingredients work wonders in healing the pimples fast. Both are enriched with medicinal properties and helps in treating the pimples as well as reducing the blemishes.
For making this mask, mix 2 spoons of curd in 1 spoon of honey and apply it on the face. After leaving for 15-20 minutes, wash it off with normal water to get very soft and gleaming skin.
Orange Peel and Curd Mask
What else can give glow as well as work as a perfect cleansing agent than orange peel and curd mask. Yes, an excellent combination which whitens brightens and rejuvenates your skin while cleaning it deeply to heal your pimple prone skin fast.
For making this wonder mask, you need to take 1 spoon of orange peel powder and mix it in 2 spoons of fresh curd. Mix it properly to make a fine paste and apply it on your face in the upward direction. Wash it off with normal water after 15-20 minutes to a refreshing and brightened skin tone.
Honey and Cinnamon Mask
Honey is enriched with wonderful antibacterial properties and mixing it with cinnamon increases its therapeutic property. For making this mask, you need to add half spoon of fine ground cinnamon in 1 spoon of fresh honey. Apply it on face in upward direction and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash it off with normal water to get shiny and supple skin.
Papaya Flesh and Tea Tree Oil Mask
Papaya is enriched with antibacterial as well as healing properties. Making a paste of papaya flesh with tea tree oil makes a perfect remedy for pimple prone skin. Tea tree oil works as antiseptic and its medicinal affect cleanses the bacteria causing pimples on skin healing it fast.
For making this mask, take two spoons of fresh papaya free and mix 4-5 drops of tea tree oil in it. Wash off with normal water after 15-20 minutes to get a radiant face with supple touch.
Egg Whites and Curd Mask
A wonderful solution which not only helps in healing the acne and pimples, but also tightens the pores while making skin look younger and beautiful.
For making this mask, add egg white of 1 egg to 4 spoons of fresh curd. Mix it properly so that it can be easily applied on the face. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash the face with normal water to get a youthful and glowing skin.
Neem, Curd and Honey Mask
Neem is known all over the world for its anti bacterial and antiseptic properties. By mixing it with curd and honey which both work as healing agents, this mask is highly effective in getting rid of pimples.
For this, you need to add 1 spoon of neem powder in 3 spoons of curd and 1 spoon of honey. Ash it off with normal water after 15-20 minutes to get lustrous and oil free skin.
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