To boost your Content and rank higher on search Engine OnPage Optimization is very Important. While writing content you should consider OnPage Optimization which plays crucial role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In OnPage Optimization you are trying to focus on particular Keyword which is mostly search in search Engine. Below I have given some factor which will surely strengthen your content  for better ranking.On-Page Search Engine Optimization Guide

7 Step On-Page Search Engine Optimization Guide 

Step 1:-  Select Keyword

Keyword Placement is the most important factor while considering OnPage Optimization. Primary Keyword should be placed in first paragraph of content and it should be user-friendly and easy to search. Content should have keyword density between 1.2 to 2% this will help you to boost your keyword for that content.

Step 2:- Page Title

The Primary keyword which you have selected in first Step should be placed first in Title. If you are having two or more keywords then each keyword should be separated by pipes (|) 

Step 3:- URL Structure

The website page URL should include the primary keyword and should select proper Permalink structure. Your URL should consists of direct targeting keyword and should be separated by using dashes (-)

Step 4:- Meta Description

Meta Description is an information about your content which appears on a Google search results. Meta Description gives outline of your content where user reads Meta Description and decide whether to click on your result. Meta Description should be Under 150 characters. Always Include your primary keyword in meta description.

Step 5:- Heading Tags

Heading Tags such as H1, H2, H3 etc are consider to be SEO Tag which helps Crawlers to search for tags in content. Always Use H1 Tag for Primary keyword and should appear it on top of page. If you having sub-titles then Use H2 Tags for it.

Step 6:- Images optimization

All the Images which are used in content should be optimized for Image Search. Optimize Image using same Primary Keyword, Image optimization can be done in two ways Image name and Alt Tag.

Image name :- Image name should be separated with dashes (-), e.g. Search-Engine-Optimization.jpg

Alt Tag :- This tag should be the keyword or alternative name for that Image, e.g. Search Engine Optimization steps

Step 7:- Page Content

While writing content focus on Primary keyword, place primary keyword wherever possible don’t think of keyword density but it should look like natural keyword. Try using bold, underline and italic tags which will help crawlers

NOTE :- Use Google Page Speed Insights to Analyse your web page.

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