Aakash has been created by Datawind and price of Aakash tablet is Rs 2500/-for basic model. It comes with powerful Android 2.2 (froyo) with a 7″ touch screen and is powered by 366 MHz ARM 11 processor,and has a 2100 mAh battery .It also comes with Wi-Fi Connectivity Now it’s available to buy it online with cash-on-delivery option.The Ubislate 7,Upgraded version of Aakash tablet and it’s price is little higher then Aakash.It comes with Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) with a 7″ touch screen and powered by 700 MHz ARM cortex A8 processor,and has a 3200 mAh battery . It has GPRS connectivity and Wi-Fi also.
Advantages of Aakash Tablet :-
- 7″ inch ,Touchscreen
- Processor 366MHz
- 2 USB Ports
- Wi-Fi connectivity
- flash memory 2GB and expandable upto 32GB
- RAM 256MB
- Battery Life 3 hours

Disadvantages of Aakash Tablet :-
- Heats up early even tried in AC room.
- Battery life only 3 hours too short.
- Touch is not that sensitive somethimes we have to press it hard
Order it Now and enjoy with Android Play Games , watch movies support any type of format and browse internet with android flash support.