Happy New Year 2021 Messages For Whatsapp, We have got for you Happy New Year 2021 SMS, Messages For Whatsapp. Let us celebrate this New Year 2021 a little different than the past years. We all want to be there with our loved ones on New Year’s Day but sadly some of us can not. So for them here are some beautiful and absolutely amazing Happy New Year 2021 Messages For Whatsapp.

Happy New Year 2018
Happy New Year 2021

New Year 2021 Messages For Whatsapp

“Have a happy New Year’s Day and then when it is through have a lot of happy days all through the new year, too.”

“This jubilant New Year marks a fresh new start of brighter and more exciting journeys. I wish you will have the most enjoyable ride ever! Happy New Year to you and your family! Happy New Year 2021!”

“May you have a year filled with smiles, love, luck and prosperity. This is my wish from me to you. Happy New Year!”

“My gift of unconditional love I give to you, with sincerity, blessings and loyalty too. Have a wonderful New Year my darling!”

“We may not be perfect, but we are family, and there is nobody that I more sincerely wish to have a truly happy New Year.”

“Best wishes to my beloved friend for a wonderful year ahead. Though we’re miles apart, you are always in my thoughts and prayers.”

“New Year is not about changing the dates but direction; it’s not about changing the calendar but commitment; it’s not about changing the actions but attitude. May each and every day of yours is renewed with lots of happiness and love.”

“May this year give you the opportunity to follow your dreams, love like there is no tomorrow and smile unconditionally. Happy New Year!”

“Let us celebrate this exciting, colorful, grand, magical New Year with a great big smile. Wishing you a year full of happiness and prosperity.”

“Before I get completely wasted, make a fool of myself, stumble my way home and pass out, let me wish you a very happy New Year.”

“May true happiness, longevity and good fortune be with you this new year and always. Happy New Year!”

“Wishing you and your family to have a never ending happiness and prosperity more blessings to come this coming new year. Happy New Year!”

“May this New Year bring many opportunities your way, to explore every joy of life and turning all your dreams into reality & all your efforts into great achievements. Happy New Year 2021!”

“May you have a year that is filled with love, laughter, brightness and hope. Wishing you a Happy New Year 2021!”

“Hope you have a rocking celebrations! Have a cheerful year ahead! Happy new Year 2021!”

“May every day f the new year glow with good cheer & happiness for you & your family. Happy New Year!”

“My goal for 2021 is to accomplish the goals of 2020 which I should have done in 2019 because I promised them in 2018 and planned in 2017”

New Year 2021 Messages

Regardless of what each nightfall steals from our life, may dawn give us another day to weave new hopes and dreams.I wish you Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart.
new year 2021 wishes and messages

May God give you the happiness and strength to overcome your past year failures.A New Day and a brand New Year have come, bringing with it opportunities to shine.

This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!
Happy New Year 2021.

Your success and happiness lies in you.
Resolve to keep happy, and your joy
and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.
Happy New Year 2021.

Again another New Year comes
with fresh hope and confidence
I wish you a Happy New Year
filled with fun and happiness.

Memorable moment r celebrated together,
U r my best friend for now & forever,
Make me Miss U, even more, this New Year,
Hope this new year 2021 bring Happiness for you Dear.

As the world wait for a new year
with hopes of better year in their heart
I am wishing you a great new year
That makes all your dreams true
Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Make the most of this year to achieve success in all your endeavours. Happiness comes to those who know how to dispel the gloominess and go beyond the trivialities of life. Rise above petty issues and see the joys that surround you.

Leave the sorrows, pain, and sadness behind and let’s welcome the brand New Year with a smile. Happy New Year 2021 quotes.

On this New Year I wish that you have a wonderful January, a lovely February, a Peaceful March, a stress-free April, a fun-filled May, and Joy that lasts from June to November, and finally a happy December. May my wishes come true and may you have a charming and lucky New Year 2021.

New Year 2021 Wishes

Receive my simple gift of LOVE Wrapped with SINCERITY Tied with CARE &Sealed with BLESSINGS 2 Keep u HAPPY & SAFE all the lifelong.

You may face today a D-Day, a dull week or a dull month – but you have 365 Days to win. Wish you a Happy New Year ahead.

There are some important lessons to be learned from the past so whether you win or lose, it is the learning of the lesson that matters at the end of each year.

You will be thrown stones at every step you take to climb the ladder of success, but it will be up to show the capability you have to turn those stones into milestones. Happy New Year 2021!.

As people get busy making New Year resolutions, here is a quick wish for our family so that it stays united especially in trying times no matter how many external forces try to alienate us.

As the New Year commences, let the family join hands to pray for one another and also promise to be by each other’s side in sickness and in health.

Hope you are blessed with the sunshine of laughter, a new beam of energy and raindrops of happiness as you step into another brand New year.

New Year has brought with it loads of opportunities to become the human being you have always wanted to be. Hope you are blessed with the courage to fight against injustice and stand up for your values in the New Year.

The New Year gives you a blank canvas to pour in all the colours of your heart, and may the days get filled up with pleasant surprises coming your way.

There are some important lessons to be learned from the past so whether you win or lose, it is the learning of the lesson that matters at the end of each year.

I promise to be more thoughtful, more serious and less of a screw up this year, so pray a lot all these happen. Happiest New Year!”

“My wish for you this year is that all the hours you spend on Facebook, add value to your everyday life. Happiest Brand New Year!”

“May the happiness you get this year become bigger than your weight……Happy New Year best friend!”

Keep partying, have fun but don’t mess up. This year remember to be careful to stay happy. Happy New Year!”

“May you have loads of wealth this year, so that I can borrow some. Happy New Year my dear friend!”

May the mischief, pranks, late nights and laughter of good friends double in this New Year! Wishing you the most memorable New Year!”

This year I resolve to achieve the goals I did not reach last year and to try not to forget them so that I can make them again next year if I don’t do them this year. Happy New year!”

This year I don’t want you as a girlfriend…..its time you become my wife. Happy New Year darling!

I wish you all the luck as you evade your boss while enjoying the office free Wi-Fi. Happiest New Year!

May this New Year bring actual change in you, not a recurrence of old habits in a new package!

New Year 2021 Resolution

  1. Plant trees- This might not be on many people’s list, but it’s one initiative that we almost must pledge for. The world is facing the issue of pollution, and all this is because we have forgotten to give back to nature. If you can’t change the world, take a step to improve Plant at least one tree this year and nurture it.
  2. Get back in shape– we all know the importance of good health, so this time, make sure that you take up the resolution that you will work on your health, you can do that by following simple steps like using stairs, walking, leaving your bad food habits,
  3. Stop Procrastinating – Well, this should be on your radar in 2021. Procrastination is the key for many unsuccessful projects in life, Whether its front or professional experience, make sure that you don’t procrastinate.
  4. Go on a holiday- Most of the time all of us get stuck in a rut and all this we miss to have fun and enjoy life. Promise yourself that you will go on at least one holiday in the coming year. It may be a small place a little stay but make sure that you do visit new places, meet new people. This will help you rejuvenate and enjoy your life.
  5. Start meditating – Well, we all concentrate on the physical health but this time, make sure that you focus on the internal health of your body as well. Meditation is the best way to have a healthy and happy soul.
  6. Develop reading habit – Most of us have digital slaves, and in all this, we have forgotten the real essence of life. Make sure that you take out some time in your day to read some good books. Books are the source of knowledge, wisdom, and happiness. It will help you plan your life better and make your mind healthy.
  7. Limit yourself to social media- This is something which needs to be on the radar of all. The reason behind this is that we all have become social media slaves; there is no life out of social media. In the coming year, prep yourself to limit your social media presence. Let it not rule your life.
  8. Do something that you like- Often in the dream to achieve our goals and make a living, we forget to make a life. Make a resolution that in the coming year you will start following something which you have always loved. Take out time for yourself. It can be anything, reading, writing, playing guitar, painting, gardening, stitching
  9. Start appreciating – This doesn’t sound tough but it is, many of us have forgotten the habit of being grateful. Make sure that you are thankful for you to Stop looking at everything terrible, start searching for something good in everything.
  10. Get decent sleep-Our work life leaves us to sleep deprived and with the advent of technology this condition has even worsened. Make sure that you take the proper amount of sleep. A healthy and complete rest helps in the adequate development of the body and also keeps you fresh.
  11. Do something for the society- there are many people around who need help, it’s not necessary that donate huge sum of money to help people, you can donate your old clothes, donate books, provide meals to the hungry. Anything which fits in your pocket, you must make it a point that you will give back the society something the coming year.
  12. Pick up a hobby– It’s essential that you should learn some new skills which interest You can choose gardening, stitching, painting, learning music, singing or anything which will make you a happy person.
  13. Learn to be happy– Once of the most important thing that we people tend to forget is that we should be happy Make sure that you will try to be a happy person; whatever you may have you must learn to be grateful for it.
  14. Forget the past – As you step in the New Year it’s vital that you must have new feelings and emotions, try to rip any grudges that you have been holding. Start the New Year with a clear heart and clear mind.
  15. Turn your hobby into a career– If you love to sing, why not try to convert your hobby into a profession. If you are good at something, you must make your hobby into a profession. Give yourself a chance to reinvent yourself into a new person.
  16. Learn to control your emotions – Often our feelings overpower us and rule us. It’s vital that we should learn to control our emotions. In the coming year trying to take control of your emotions, don’t let them overpower your personality.
  17. Learn Self-defense- In today’s world, one should know how to protect Learning the art of self-defense is a must, and you should learn it, especially if you are a girl.
  18. Start expressing yourself- Many a time it happens that we don’t express ourselves and our emotions start piling up within us, make sure that the coming year you become more expressive and let your feelings come out. Let the people know how you feel, what you want and what you need.
  19. Face your fears– We all doubt something is hiding within us. This year you should take up the resolution to face your fears and insecurities so that you can get over it. For example, if you have a fear of public speaking, learn to speak in front of people. Pen down your insecurities on a piece of paper and try to overcome it with time.
  20. Stick to the healthy habits that you have developed– If you are already following some good practices, make sure that you stick to them in the coming year too and adopt some new good habits.

New Year 2021 Status for WhatsApp

May this new year brings all the crazy colors and fun in your life.

Sending you wishes for a happy year filled with health, prosperity, love and loads of fun! Happy New Year

Try to find what you need in life Happy New Year 2021

So many things have happened in this past year…

Every year life gives us 365 days to find the meaning to our life.

May this year be the one in which all your wishes come true. The one in which your dreams may turn into reality and all your fears may fade away. Happy new year!

Another year of success and happiness has passed.

May you live up to the promises you have made and may you create for you and your loved ones the best New Year ever.

Just a new bloom spreads fragrance and freshness around… May the new year add a new beauty and freshness into your life. Happy New Year.

Don’t wait for a new year to change your perspective. Get up and be proactive today!

Dear Luck, can we be friends in 2021 Please.

Out with the old, in with the new: may you be happy the whole year through. Happy New Year!

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