Android Lover always Look forward for an Update, next version of Operating System. Google will announce Android 5.0 will be the next most most popular Smartphone operating system. Android 5.0  called as “Key Lime Pie” (KLP).

Android 5.0  comes with Lots of features and enhanced Multitasking as well as it will boost the performance of your smartphone.  Google is Planning to released this latest version of android 5.0 in October and at the same time Motorola will be unveiling to released their New Motorola “X” Smartphone.Key Lime Pie

Features of Android 5.0 (Key Lime Pie)

  1. Transparent Task Bar

  2. Redesigned Clock Widget

  3. Redesigned Google Search Widget

  4. Scrollable Lock Screen Widget integrated with Notification

  5. Home Screen with Closed Play music Widget

  6. Overlapping Widgets get Tucked to the Sides

  7. Built-in video conferencing

  8. Select Multiple contacts

  9. Line-drawing keyboard options

  10. Integrated social media such as Facebook, twitter etc

  11. SMS synchronization (Backup SMS to SIM or SD-Card)

  12. Offline maps and better control over GPS tracking location

  13. Improved Performance and Battery life

  14. Enhanced multitasking

  15. Multiple device support

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