Firefox OS is a new mobile operating system developed by Mozilla. It uses a Linux kernel and run apps which are developed using HTML, JavaScript, and other open web application APIs. Since Firefox OS is new in market you can check it on your computer using Firefox OS Simulator. Firefox OS Simulator is a test environment for Firefox OS. It’s similar to Android Emulator where you can Run it on your computer. Firefox OS Simulator creates such an environment that looks and feels like a mobile phone.


How To Install Firefox OS on Your PC

STEP 1 :- Download Firefox OS Simulator add-ons. (Hope you have Installed Firefox Browser on your computer)

STEP 2 :- Once Installed add-on, Goto Tools–> Web Developer –> Firefox OS Simulator.

STEP 3 :-  Now it will Show you Firefox Dashboard, On Right Sidebar thier will be emulator Console (Running/Stopped)

STEP 4:- Run the Emulator and your Firefox OS will be Running.

firefox-os-home-screen firefox-os-setting











Firefox OS Simulator is very stable and usable.The emulator worked flawlessly without any errors.Firefox OS simulation is Fully functional and gives Speedy performance.


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