Facebook Chat is the most addictive Part on Internet and which is most Widely Used by Lot’s of User, So do you want any Offline or Online Facebook Chat Messenger. This Facebook Messengers are free to use and No need to Keep your browser Logged into facebook. Facebook Chat Messengers are easy to use  Just have to download, Install and Login with your Facebook Username and Password.

READ MORE:- Facebook Launch Official Messenger

#1. Digsby Facebook Chat Messengers

Digsby is a multiprotocol IM client that lets you chat with all your friends on facebook, MSN, Yahoo, Google Talkand it’s simple to manage buddy list.It is also an social networking tool that alerts you of events like new messages and gives you a live Newsfeed of what your friends are doing.You can easily Chat with more than 10 friends at a time and allow Tab conversation Window.

[Download Digsby for Windows]

#2. Chit Chat Facebook Application

Chit Chat is a free Facebook chat instant messenger (IM) that allows you to chat with your Facebook friends from your desktop.Chit Chat connects to Facebook and hence no need of browser for Facebook Login.

[Download Chit Chat]

#3. Pidgin Facebook Chat Client

Pidgin is an open-source multi-platform instant messaging client, Allowing the user to log into various services from one application. Users can add contacts in the “Buddy List” window and can easily Chat with thier Buddies.

[Download  Pidgin ]

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