Facebookzip is an facebook app which allow us to download photo albums in zip folder so that we can easily excess photos. If your whole team had gone of any picnic and you want to download whole photo album  it not possible to download one by one photo if they are more then 50 or it may be time consuming . So this app is created specially to download huge photo album and in zip format so photos are compressed and size of album is decreased but quality remains same.

Now Just Sign In using your Facebook account   and choose a friend   Select your name if you want to download your photos or type the name of a friend to download his photos and Then click on next.

Now choose the album by clicking on album Name and click on download and now download menu will come and then start downloading in zip archive  and if anything went wrong or you have selected any wrong album then you can abort downloading in between and downloading will be cancelled . Download speed will  depend on your internet connection . It’s very simple to Use  download photo and save it on your system so you can view it offline without having internet connection.

Click Here to visit facebookZip

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