Monetizing Websites with Bitcoins Mining or Crypto Currencies shouldn’t be hard, however most people don’t know where to start. We’ll run through the all the options by which you can monetize your website with bitcoin Mining. During the last years we’ve seen Bitcoin rapidly increasing upwards. Many people saw its potential as a good alternative to money in online transactions. Then it started to grow. Then alternative coins started to appear such Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin etc.

Bitcoins Mining with Javascript
A recent development in the bitcoin community is JavaScript Bitcoin miners. These miners aren’t particularly fast but they allow you to utilize the users viewing your website to do your mining. Where you will be earning BTC using your website traffic (You will be using your visitors resources to solve problem which will give you bitcoin in return). Bitcoin Miner implemented in JavaScript. It is intended for use in a Bitcoin Mining Pool, but its main purpose is to act as a learning tool.
Download Bitcoin JavaScript Miner
Bitcoins Mining with WordPress Blog
Numbers at the top of this post reading total hashes and hashes per second, More the Number of user visiting your site with low Bounce Rate more the number if Bitcoins you will be earning from your WordPress Blog. WordPress plugin that easily integrates Bitcoin mining into your WordPress site. Simply activate the plugin and presto your readers are mining Bitcoins. Configure the plugin with whatever bitcoin server or pool you want to use with your Bitcoin Address and start generating BTC in no time.
Crypto Miner for your Website
STEP 1 :- Go to Coin Hive and Integrate it to your website. (To Monetize Your website With Your Users’ CPU Power)
STEP 2 :- Add coinhive JavaScript file using the following code.
- Load the Coinhive Miner
- Start Mining
<script src=""></script> <script> var miner = new CoinHive.User('<site-key>', 'neelkanth'); miner.start(); </script>
The Coinhive JavaScript Miner lets you embed a Monero miner directly into your website. The miner itself does not come with a UI – it’s your responsibility to tell your users what’s going on and to provide stats on mined hashes.
While it’s possible to run the miner without informing your users, we strongly advise against it.
Converting your Blog traffic into money making machine
Mine Bitcoins operates much slower than even a standard CPU miner, and so it is unlikely to generate much income. However it can be loaded on a website so your visitors can calculate bitcoins for you. The current exchange rate for Bitcoins is around $3661 US per 1 BTC (bitcoin).
File Structure for Bitcoin Mining
- index.html – The webpage for JsMiner. Provides an interface to process and view mining statistics.
- miner.js – This is where the Bitcoin Mining is done. It is invoked as a Web Worker (JavaScript thread).
- sha256.js – SHA-256 functions implemented in JavaScript.
- work-manager.js – Code to getwork, submitwork, and manage the Miner threads.
- bitcoind-server.php – Connection info for connecting to a bitcoin pool / server.
- getwork.php – Feeds up a getwork request in JSON format for easy processing by the javascript
- submitwork.php – accepts a solution in a POST request and submits it to the server for verification and cashing in.
Mining for Bitcoins is an interesting and unique way to monetize your website which can possibly give you occasional big payouts. While the speed of hashing is lower with the javascript, large numbers of viewers may lead to a substantial number of hashes.
Visitors upon visiting the site, their CPU usage will dramatically increased. Because your site carries a cryptocurrency miner who uses their CPU to generate digital currency for you.
Disclaimer! This Article has been created for Educational purpose only and has been tested on a local bitcoin server (bitcoind -daemon) and with the pool. So we are not responsible if it doesn’t work properly.
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